

Kilmun Community Council

Annual General Meeting – 13th May 2015, Younger Hall, Kilmun at 7.30 pm



Robert Aldam (Convener), Jim Kirby (Vice Convener), Janet Holm (Secretary), David Petro (Treasurer), Graham Revill, Lachlan Macquarie, Kirsty Husband, Stephen Mitchell and Gordon MacDonald.

Also Present: Councillor Bruce Marshall, Argyll and Bute Council, David McKenzie (NP) and members of the community.


PC Donald MacKay,


The minutes of the last AGM (13th May 2014) were accepted as a true record of events

Proposed by:  Jim Kirby

Seconded by:  Robert Aldam -  Carried


Another busy year has passed for the Community Council and it is very pleasing to report that, following the by-elections in the autumn, we doubled the number of community councilors.

During the year we have dealt with a number of new and continuing issues and finalised others:

  • Napier Point – The one block of flats are now being constructed. We still keep a watching brief and look forward to further progress with the two remaining dwellings on this development.
  • Midge Lane – the new forest exit has now been in use for over a year and there have been no complaints to the Community Council.   Although there has been no more flooding along Midge Lane, a close eye must be kept on the ditches by those who live along this road.
  • A880 Footpath – Quite a lot more work has been completed this year with more ongoing.   Although definitely not ideal in places, this new footpath has made walking safer along most of the road between Cot End and Kilmun Church.  However, the rumble strip is not very effective.
  • Community Action Plan – has been completed and action is being taken by KCC when it is practical to do so.
  • Wind Farm at Bachan Burn.  We still wait to hear when – or if – a planning application is likely to be lodged.  Since the last AGM, the joint promoters – PNE & FCS – decided to stop the meetings being held between themselves and local community councils.  Perhaps because they considered the meetings were not proceeding in the way they had intended.   There has been a lot of local opposition cumulating in Michael Russell our MSP writing to the promoters requesting the project be dropped.  Because of the size of the proposed development, the planning application would be determined by the Scottish Government who also control FCS – so it could be said that they will determine their own planning application unless A&BC object!
  • Public toilets – The toilets by Kilmun Pier have been up for sale.  It has taken the Council 9 months to answer an email from KCC and when received, the reply didn’t address the questions asked.  However, A&BC still intend to update the toilets in the graveyard to replace Kilmun Pier toilets.  KCC consider that it will be virtually impossible for the disabled, especially those in wheelchairs, to use the graveyard toilets without considerable help – what thought has been given to the right of access legislation for the disabled.
  • Speed Limits – Very successful outcome with a 40mph limit from Cot to Rashfield and a much needed 30mph limit through the village of Clachaig.
  • Coping with Emergencies. Notices in prominent places - we are now set up should an emergency occur….let us hope that one never happens.
  • Defibrillator.  It is hoped that there will soon be community defibrillator at Strone Primary School. 
  • Clachaig still does not have mains water and we are actively pursuing the possibility of having mains water installed for the benefit of the residents.
  • Rural Watch Notices.  You will have noticed these at Kilmun, Strone and Blairmore.  There are also notices for Clachaig, Deer Park and Ballochyle.
  • Castle Toward.  Although not in our area, we supported the local CC because most of us believed there could be a positive knock on effect for our area.  We also believed that the way in which some of A&BC councilors behaved was a travesty.


In addition, we also support Blairmore Village Trust with their exciting plans for Blairmore Field/Green, Strone PTA to ensure Strone Primary School remains open, better broadband for our area – especially for Clachaig and surrounding areas that have a diabolical down and up load speed – or none at all!.


On behalf of our committee, our thanks to Councilor Marshall who has been a great help during the year.   To David McKenzie, our National Park representative, who was re-elected last year, and continues to work tirelessly for our community.  To his credit, complaints about the Park seem to be a thing of the past.   Our thanks also to PC Donald Mackay who attends our meetings and keeps us informed of police activities and the few misdemeanors that happen in our area.

Finally – my thanks for the great support given to me by the committee.  



The Treasurer’s report was presented (as above) and accepted as a true record.

Proposed by: Robert Aldam

Seconded by: Jim Kirby                                                                                  Carried.


Ele Utting and David Petro have resigned from their positions on Kilmun Community Council. Robert Aldam thanked them both for their help and support on the committee.

RA informed the Committee that there had been two applications to be co-opted onto KCC. Lynn O’Keefe and Russell Humphreys. Both were unanimously accepted by the committee and the co-options were carried.

Convener:        Jim Kirby proposed Robert Aldam for this post seconded by Kirsty Husband - Carried.

Vice Convener: Robert Aldam proposed Jim Kirby for this post, seconded by Graham Revill - Carried.

Secretary:       Jim Kirby proposed Janet Holm seconded by Stephen Mitchell - Carried.

Treasurer:      Robert Aldam proposed Russell Humphreys seconded by Jim Kirby - Carried

After this vote the newly elected convener accepted back control and thanked Councillor Bruce Marshall for his assistance.

The next AGM will convene on the 10th May 2016 in Younger Hall, Kilmun

As there was no further business, the meeting closed. 

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