
December 2018


Facebook - @shoresweepersandKCC   Website - www.kilmuncc.co.uk


11th December 2018 held at Blairmore Hall, Blairmore 7.30PM.

PRESENT:), Russell Humphreys (Treasurer), Janet Holm (Secretary) Lachie McQuarie and Fraser Smith.

Also Present Councillor A Reid, PC Donald MacKay

APOLOGIES: Brian Tester (Convenor) Diane Nicholson (Vice Convenor), Graham Revill Councillor Y McNeilly and Councillor G. Blair, Bob Daracott (National Park), Victor Sandall (BKCDT)



Proposed:   Fraser Smith

Seconded:       Russell Humphreys    Carried




Brought Forward                                  3682.64

Expenditure  -                                   

Gardening and travel                          142.66


Directory Costs                                  


Interest                                                0.76


Donation for directory                            

Donation to Shore Sweepers              100         


General fund                                       1306

Gardening                                             123.77

Festive Lunch                                       200.00

SSE grant                                           2045.87

Directory donations                               970

Overall total                                       £3640.74


Money will still need to be paid out for the cross over switch from the SSE grant



Donald reported that there had been 19 incidents, which were mainly weather related due to the severe weather’s impact on the roads.

There were 2 crime reports – 4 tyres slashed at Kilmun Court and drug supplying in the area. Enquiries are ongoing.

Donald said that there were 2 new police appointments in our area,

Fiona Davidson -

Douglas Wilson - - Lives in Glendarual and, as a farmer has a high awareness of rural policy.

A resident asked if there were any further incidents of sheep worrying. Donald said that there had been none. He also said, that starting in January they were bringing forward their work on Awareness of Livestock Worrying’ to earlier in the year.

7          Correspondence

National Park – ‘Let us know your thoughts on our Core Paths Plan’ review Survey.

Two new police appointments - Inspector Fiona Davidson will be based in Dunoon but also covering Isle of Bute, and Area Commander for Cowal, Bute, Helensburgh and Lomond Douglas Wilson – See police report.

Public Access defibrillators. MICT has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Scottish Ambulance Service for the network of Public Access Defibrillators on Mull and Iona. The system operates well, with support from local volunteer guardians who carryout the necessary monthly check and online report to the SAS website. – Hopefully this is work that will be extended to our area.

E-mail from Ian Anderson CWGC -“Just wanted to let you that there has been a few unexpected delays in the process of us getting the memorial placed at Kilmun I am sorry about this and hope that we will be able to get this memorial in place soon.”

8          Planning Applications

The following planning applications have been submitted to LLTNP

2018/0364/NOT Construction of 80m forestry track Location - Glen Massan Estate Near Dunoon


The Kilmun Pier application

KCC have facillated a public meeting to be held at the Younger Hall Kilmun on Wednesday 16th January at 6.30pm. The meeting should be finished no later than 9.30. 

Mr Gordon Ross and his agent will be present to answer questions that are put to Western Ferries Ltd. Mr Ross has assured me that “a visualisation of the new piles and the berthed ferry” will be made available to view in the first week of January 2019, and ahead of the meeting.

Kilmun Community Council will be adopting an apolitical stance regarding this meeting and the planning application

Posters will be produced and distributed in the area and this information will also be emailed to the extensive Shore Collaboration distribution list.

Ardtaraig wind farm

Councillor Alan Reid informed the committee that the application for the Ardtaraig wind farm, which had been expected to be submitted on The 19th December, has now been deferred to February. Because of the level of objections received to date it is expected that the application may be referred to the Scottish Government.

9.         Community Matters

Liaison/communication with other local organisations / groups Festive Lunch

The festive lunch will take place on Friday 14th December @ The Younger Hall @12 for 12.30. Organisation is going well with lots of good co-operation from most of the local groups. All welcome.

Defibrillator at Younger Hall Kilmun

A new ‘state of art’ defibrillator has been purchased and will replace the defibrillator currently at the Younger Hall Kilmun. It also comes with a training video explaining its use.

Gardening / environmental improvements from A&BC Funding

The Shore Sweepers visited Bute in Bloom Group to see the work that was happening there. They were shown around all their projects including the greenhouses where ABC gets their plants. This can be visited by the public, which most people didn’t know. The Shore Sweepers were also very interested in the work the Bute Group are doing on painting the very ornate lampposts and the railings along their shore. This is work that the Shore Sweepers would like to do here next year and have applied to ABC to supply the paint. All in all a very good trip for co-operation across our communities. The Bute Group also spoke about the public perception that the work being done was being done by the council. We also sent them some copies of the Shore Directory, which they were interested in.

One of the pots at Kilmun Church has had to be removed as it had completely rotted.

The Shore Sweepers won the judges vote at the recent Christmas tree competition at The Younger Hall.

A shore sweep is to be held tomorrow across from the Strone Inn. Everyone is to be encouraged to spend a little time picking up rubbish on a shoreline nearest to where they live. There is a lot of plastic rubbish swept up onto our shores esp. after the recent storms.


Alan Reid ABC gave the following report

Roads reply on the speed survey at the Wee Butcher

Results from Speed/Volume Survey A815 north of Wee Butcher, with 60mph speed restriction,

DATE                                              VOLUME                                        AVERAGE

Wed 25th July                              4156                                                43mph

Thur 26th July                              4229                                                42mph

Fri 27th July                                  4216                                                42mph

Sat 28th July                                3760                                                  42mph

Roads emailed me saying, “We will reconsider this request when a formal application has been submitted to Head of Service.”

I have formally applied to the Head of Roads and Amenity Services asking that the introduction of a 40mph limit be pursued.

Request for bus shelter opposite Younger Hall

Investigation showed not enough space for a[a] shelter opposite the Hall. However, there is a possibility of a shelter at the pier, on the shore side, which staff will visit and investigate.

Supporting Communities Fund

The Supporting Communities Fund is open for applications of up to £2,500. Closing date is 6 February. Seehttps://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/council-and-government/third-sector-grants

GH asked what happened to the rubbish that we put in our recycle bins. Alan Reid will get more information on this.

Bob Daracott (National Park),

Bob, although not present at the meeting, emailed the following report:

“Not too much to report from a NP perspective, relative to this patch, though it might be worth noting that:

“- As regards the Western Ferries planning application for Kilmun Pier, some, slow progress has been made. At a meeting held last week, the applicants were fully advised about the need for a photomontage to be prepared - this won't be available until early in the new year. They will also update and amend their Supporting Statement with more detail about the need, design and operation of the facility. Once this is available a further period will be provided for comments/consideration from the wider public. All the latest and updated drawings are available on the NP's web pages - lochlomond-trossachs.org. 

- A couple of other, unrelated (distant!) planning issues, just for information, it was reported at the NP Board yesterday that all outstanding Reserved Matters regarding the Cononish Gold Mine application had been resolved - work expected to start next year and, the Authority has now received a full application relating to the restoration of Cameron House Hotel. 

- The Core Path Plan consultation is now 'live' on the NP web site. 

- Repair works on the footbridges etc. at Glenbranter are underway - though, I believe they may have been delayed due to weather related issues, not surprisingly. 

- Finally, I was elected to the Depute Chair of Planning and Access Committee at yesterday's NP Board; the Chair will be Councillor Ellen Morton (an Argyll and Bute Council representative). 

Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust (BKCDT)

At a recent meeting of the BKCDT there was a change, because of a resignation, in the chair of the group. The chair is now Janet Holm.

The new heavy-duty plastic bench has been placed at Graham’s Point. It still has to be moved into position.

There is a lot of work to been done towards the heritage trail and a lot of interest from several stakeholders e.g. NP, ABC and Forestry Commission. It was suggested that the best way forward to include many of our local groups including the community councils in the discussions and planning.

It was also suggested that BKCDT apply for funding for this year to April of £500 from ACHA. If successful this could be used to get activity equipment for Graham’s Point.

Blairmore Village Trust (BVT)

GH reported for BVT that the trust had been unsuccessful in obtaining a grant from the land fund to be used to try and purchase Highgate Lodge.

BVT will be making the sandwiches for the Festive lunch on Friday.

Communities and Service Manger (Argyll Forest Park)

Sue Morris was not able to attend the meeting but sent a email to say that at present she is very busy selling Christmas trees at two locations and wishes us all a lovely Christmas and will see us all in the new year.

Younger Hall

RH reported that a Burns Lunch would be held in the hall on the 21st January - £15 including wine.

Work is progressing well with the replacement stained glass windows.

The dry rot in the building is going to be treated by exposing the timbers to air and heat.

Blairmore Hall

Report from the Blairmore Hall committee

As most people will be aware Blairmore Hall has a voluntary committee elected annually at an AGM in May and made up of people representing the groups who use the hall as well as interested Blairmore Residents.

In the run up to the Hall Meeting on Sunday 18th November it became apparent that a small group attending one of the regular activities in the hall were unhappy about the plans the Committee were working towards in improving and redeveloping the Hall, to make it fit for the 21st Century. 

Although there have been many consultations regarding the redevelopment this small group were not aware of all the facts, but despite this continued to push the matter which had already been put on the agenda for the next Committee.  Again, despite this Trustees continued to receive a barrage of email correspondence from two community members implying criticism and dissatisfaction with the way the Trustees were progressing towards the hall redevelopment.

At the Committee meeting discussion on this Agenda Item, the three Trustees - Chairperson Pam Horton, Treasurer Pauline Horton and the Secretary Isobel Brown said that they had decided to call EGM and stand down at that meeting as a result of the perceived lack of appreciation and understanding from some Community Members.

Consequently, an Extra-ordinary General Meeting has been called on Sunday 13th January at 10.00 in the Hall to confirm membership of the Committee and to elect a new Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and bookings Secretary. This meeting is open to all Blairmore Residents and regular group attendees.

A request was made that a note be put into the KCC website thanking people for their donations to the Blairmore Hall clock restoration fund and noting that the clock is now in fine working order. 

UIg Hall

A new addition to our agenda. Will be added to later.

11.       Community Action Plan 2018 - 2023

Although the initial survey has been done this work is paused at present.


Ardtaraig Wind Farm

See Councillor Reid’s report.

Argyll Community Planning Group (ACPG)

Unfortunately, it would appear that the issues that were meant to be raised at this meeting about local issues was not done.

Caucus of Community Councils

No meeting until the New Year

Bird Hide at Kilmun

R H /GH – Peter Staley’s solicitor has the paperwork ready now. A question was asked when the group could start to apply for funding. As a constitution will be available they could apply now.

A880 Walkway & Safety Barrier, Pavement Invereck to Cot House

Councillor Reid to write again to ask about progress.

Cemetery Toilet

Councillor Reid said that ABC is doing a review of toilet provision throughout the authority. He will make enquiries of what this entails.

Highgate Hall

Graham Thomson said that a quotation had been done of the cost involved to raise the hall to modern standards. This is estimated to be between £400,000 to £600,000. This would involve the demolition and reinstatement of the extension at the back and correctly the water ingress into the hall. It will probably be proposed that a meeting of the community will be called to raise the current issues

The hall costs £2000 a year in insurance.

BT Broadband

Fraser Smith said that Openreach were to update some properties that had been missed in the initial super fast installation in Kilmun in Quarter 4. He will check if the property of Lachie McQuarie is included.

13.       Any other competent business

JH said that the bin at the car park at Kilmun Church had been removed from its holder. This will be reported on ABC website feedback.

Next Meeting

Place: Younger Hall, KIlmun

Date: Tuesday 8th January at 7.30pm.


Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Halls.

Kilmun Hall – January, March, May, July, September, November

Blairmore Hall – February, April, June, August, October, December

ember 2018

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