

Facebook - @shoresweepersandKCC        Website - www.kilmuncc.co.uk


14th January 2020 held at Younger Hall, Kilmun 7.30PM.


PRESENT: Diane Nicholson (Vice Convenor), Russell Humphreys (Treasurer), Mandy Grout, Graham Revill, Dale Mallin, Fraser Smith, Victor Sandall, Lachie Macquarie.

Also Present: Bob Darracott (National Park), Councillor A Reid, Bruce Marshall, Caroline Munro and Lorraine Hopkin Munro. Kirsty Manuel, Kate, PCs Wilkinson and Hendry

APOLOGIES Brian Tester, (Convener),Janet Holm (Secretary), Gordon Holm, Sue Rule (Blairmore Village Hall), Councillor Y McNeilly, Councillor G. Blair,



Proposed:  Fraser Smith       

Seconded: Caroline Munro





Carried forward                                 3197.24



Gardening                                             55.95

Donation                                                20.00

Admin                                                     9.00

Funds In

Interest                                                    0.33

Christmas Fayre                                 430.94


General fund                                       1380.37

Gardening and Shore Sweepers        123.48

Festive Lunch                                     595.47

SSE grant                                         1090.92

Directory donations                                7.00



BVT is owed £84 for sandwiches for Christmas Fayre

Uncashed cheques  BVH (£96)  Parkinsons (£20)               




PC Dan Wilkinson gave the Police report.

9 incidents were reported in the previous two months, resulting in 2 crime reports being generated.

Several of the incidents related to the flooding that had occurred in the area.

One a traffic offence and one of a possible theft from a building. There are plans to carry out ore speed detections.

VS asked about speeding in the area and mentioned being overtaken in a 30 mph speed limit.

AR said that A&BC were going to acquire a mobile speed alert, which will be used first in Inellan.

BM raised an issue of safety. Trees had been cut down on the bank opposite the wooden houses. It was now possible for a car to skid into the water. BM asked AR to mention this to the Council.




07        Correspondence (Already circulated to committee members)

Police Scotland is currently asking residents to complete an on-line survey regarding their opinions and concerns around Local Policing and community issues. Here is the link https://consult.scotland.police.uk/surveys/your-police/

Argyll and Bute Proposed Local Development Plan 2 Consultation, starts on 14th November 2019 and runs until noon on the 23rd January 2020.  The plan is available to download on the Council’s web site at www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/ldp2 and hard copies are available to view at all Council libraries and selected offices.


Planning Applications

Installation of new and replacement windows; 1 no. door and internal alterations Finnart Kilmun Dunoonwithdrawn



The Kilmun Pier application


There had been a submission on Kilmun Pier, but this had been sent back for further information. The office had been informed that Western Ferries were getting new consultants and that new graphics are now being prepared.





Ardtaraig Wind Farm

The appeal has been turned down by the Scottish Government




9.         Community Matters

The Shore Sweepers

The Shore Sweepers have applied to the ABC sustainability Fund. They have support from all of the other organisation s in the area e.g. ACC, BKCDT, BVT etc. The application is to apply for funding for a self-watering road sign near the entrance to the A880 turning.




The Festive Lunch

A very successful Festive Lunch was help thanks to a superb collaboration with many of the groups in the community. A big thank you to all the volunteers and donations that were given to make this such a successful event. Plans are already in place for next year and the provisional date is Thursday 10th December , again at the Younger hall Kilmun. It is likely that the time for the evnt will be half a hour later at 12.30




Defibrillator at Younger Hall Kilmun


Nothing further to report






Councillor Alan Reid

AR said the flooding outside Kilmun Court had received attention and the drains had been cleared.

He had had no reply regarding the broken main in Johnson Ave.

The issue of increasing signage at the Cot House Corner was raised.

AR and BD are to enquire as to the official policy of A&BC and LLNP and the matter will be discussed at the next meeting.



Bob Darracott (Loch Lomond Representative)

LLTNP Representative

BD said that nothing further had been heard from the Fish Farms re farming in Loch Long.

BD also mentioned that Cameron House had applied for permission to reinstate and to build an extra 68 beds.



Forestry and Land Scotland - John Hair (FLS)

No report


It was reported that there is a public meeting on Tuesday 21st at Younger Hall to discuss the foresting of the larch trees. BD said that there had been an application to upgrade the forestry track on Kilmun Hill, presumably to take the various lorries.


It was mentioned that there seems to be an season on Deer Culling. Hunting and shooting does bring revenue into the area, however, VS said that there was a danger of Estates being taken over by investors such as Hedge Funds.




Blairmore Village Trust

No report




Blairmore Hall


No report



Younger Hall


Forestry are holding an information session on Tuesday 17th January. The next Flea Market will be on January 25th.




Strone Primary

FS The outdoor learning area is nearly finished

 The land has been cleared ready for the garden furniture.

The current number of children is 19, with two more possibiltes





Benmore & Kilmun Community Development Trust (BKCDT)

Nothing to report



Argyll Community Planning Group (ACPG)


Nothing to report



Invereck Closure

Invereck is now closed. It was agreed that this could be taken off the agenda, until such time as a planning application is made.



Renewable energy for new Builds


BM said that new ACHA homes are all being built to a high standard of insulation




CM asked about the planning authority’s attitude to the erection of solar panels. BD said that in his opinion, there would be no objection, provided they were not an obvious eyesore. The Park was in favour of such measure to provide renewable energy.

BD said that there was a great deal of advice on the Scottish Government website



Caucus of Community Councils

KCC no longer attends the meetings




Bird Hide at Kilmun

The friends of the Hide at Kilmun held a fundraising race night on the 22nd November. That raised £500. The Charity now owns the Bird Hide, and this is being formalised with the Land Registry



Highgate Hall


Nothing to report Awaiting the return of Graham Thomson, who will arrange for a survey to be conducted of residents in the area regarding the future of the hall.



BT Broadband

Nothing to report




13.       Any other competent business


The lack of a footpath near the Doctors surgery was raised as it is a danger to pedestrians.

VS raised the issue of flooding once more around Strone Brae and the lack of Gulley covers. The flooding was contributing to the breaking up of the road surface. The existing debris has still not been cleared.

VS also drew the meetings attention to the dangers of 5G.

GR asked if he could submit yet another request to Scottish Water (using KCC) regarding mains water being supplied to Clachaig. This was unanimously agreed.


The meeting finished at approx. 8.50.




Next Meeting   

Place: Blairmore Hall, Blairmore

Date: Tuesday 11th February 2020 at 7.30pm.

Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Halls.

Kilmun Hall – January, March, May, July (Recess) September, November

Blairmore Hall – February, April, June, August, October, December



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