
October 2023


Facebook - @shoresweepersandKCC Website - www.kilmuncc.co.uk

10 12h October 2023 @ 7.30PM.
Blaiirmore Hall Kilmun
Meeting Start -7.30pm

PRESENT; Diane Nicholson (Convenor), Lindsay McKenna (Vice Convenor), Graham Revill, Peter
Hunter Douglas, Lachie Macquarie and Kerris Bone.
Also Present: Cllr. William Sinclair (Rep ABC and LLTNP), Anne Rodger, Andy Rodger, Graham
Thompson, Jean Thompson, Malcom Bird, Pauline Brewster, David Brewster, Dave Bonnar,
Carman Bonnar, Mark Borland and Steve Abbott.
APOLOGIES Janet Holm (Secretary), Gordon Holm, Audrey Slevin, Mandy Grout, Lindsey Greer,
Councillor Gordon Blair (ABC Councillor), Councillor Shonny Paterson (Rep LLTNP), Fraser
Macdonald (Forestry Land Scotland), Russell Humphreys (Treasurer), Councillor Y McNeilly (Argyll
and Bute Council) and Eddie McGunnigal (Cowal Police).
This session was recorded for the minutes.
The 12 th September 2023 minutes were:
Proposed: Graham Revill
Seconded: Kerris Bone Carried
Carried forward £3333.37
Interest £14
Funds In
General fund £1540.53
Gardening and Shore Sweepers £38.44
Festive Lunch £154.47
SSE grant £1090.92
Directory donations £7.00
Grant from ABC (For new road sign) £56.00
Overall total £3347.37
Interest of £14 received on account
The following report from Officer Reporting: Sgt Eddie McGunnigal was emailed.
No. of Incidents reported (Since last meeting)


Between 08/09/23 and 08/10/23 there have been 12 calls actioned to the police in the Kilmun
Community Council area.
These include:
1 x noise complaint
2 x Assist members of the public
1 x Road Traffic Matter
7 x weather related
No. of Crime Reports generated (Since last meeting)
1 Crime
Breakdown of Crime Reports (i.e. 1 x Assault)
1 x Road Traffic Offences
At the time of writing there are many road closures in place and diversions. Traffic may be increased
in the shore villages due to closures on the A815. Argyll and Bute Council carrying out extensive
works to re-open road.
Emails from Andrew Leeder and Pauline Wilson re- work done on the High Road Blairmore and
about concern about trees and branches intertwined with telephone and/ or electricity cables along
the side of the High Road, between Strone and Blairmore.
DN made a request to Cllr Sinclair for A&BC approach BT and SSE to address the concern of
overhanging branches for removal as action may be more forthcoming from the organisations if
requested by the council.
Email from Steve Abbott – request for Kimun Community Council Constitution – sent – SA
acknowledged receipt of the email.
Email and video from David Webster showing what was happening at the “hole in the right of way’ at
Strone in the recent heavy rainfall. Cllr Sinclair acknowledged receipt of the video.
2023/0335/DET Erection of entrance walls with embedded illuminated signage Stratheck Caravan
Park, Stratheck Country Park Loch Eck
2023/0341/LBC Installation of air source heat pump to side elevation Woodburn Villa Kilmun
From Argyll and Bute Planning
Kilmun Community Council
Formation of 2 forest tracks
Cruach Neuran, Clachaig, Argyll and Bute
Kilmun Community Council
Renewal of Long-Term Forest Plan
Cruach Neuran Forest, Glen Lean, Argyll And Bute

The Shore Sweepers / Graham’s Point
No report available


Highgate Hall
Graham Thompson identified that the legal transaction of the building sale is ongoing with the
secured bidder. LM asked if the hall was going to be retained, GT responded that was the preferred
option of the bidder but this was not legally binding.
Tyneshandon/Stables at Dunselma
Enquires ongoing through Cllr Sinclair. He is concerned about the state of the buildings and
encourages anyone to report any additional building deterioration to him.

Argyll & Bute Council
On request Cllr. William Sinclair’s report was brought forward before item 9 as the councillor
required to leave the meeting early.
Cllr William Sinclair identified that A&B has experienced extreme weather and unprecedented
situation and an emergency team has worked throughout the weekend. The situation was monitored
and the Council Leader and A&BC CEO and remained in touch throughout the weekend. This
continues to be ongoing. Cllr Sinclair has requested a meeting to discuss the situation and clear-up
as Cowal has been especially hit hard with the extreme weather as with the rest of Argyll. He made
specific references to the Boats and Static Caravans affected at Stratheck Caravan Park that were
swept down river into the Holy Loch with sections now littering the coastline. The mains water
supply pipeline into Benmore Gardens and surrounding properties was damaged and action for a
temporary supply is being undertaken. An emergency meeting within the council administration will
take place on Monday 16 th October. Cllr Sinclair will raise the issue of roadside and shoreline debris.
He highlighted a big thanks to community members that have helped in the clear up and have piled
the debris at roadside and will request that the council should deal with the removal.
GR asked Cllr Sinclair to enquire at the council meeting on Monday whither an inspection has been
carried out and a current list of known road debris has been brought forward prioritising removal.
There was a discussion regarding the clear up, Cllr Sinclair identified that all available A&BC staff
were out working on the clear up, emphasis being initially on the main roads to get them open. Then
they will concentrate on the side roads. Patience is requested. DN identified that A&BC had a
weather disruption update on their website, especially the road situation and this appears to be
regularly updated. For the KCC area The A815 and A814 has been reopened and B836 has a road
closure due to a partial bridge collapse at Balliemore, Loch Striven.
Note: since this meeting A&BC has removed the majority of the roadside debris and cleared the
flood wash from the roads.
Unfortunately, the linkspan at Dunoon has failed. This is an ongoing problem, and engineers have
been trying to find a long-term solution. Cllr Sinclair declared a huge apology from A&BC but they
are trying to find a resolution. Also highlighted are the unprecedented queues at Western Ferries.
The council is talking to the ferry company about signage about initiating a queuing system.
It was also identified that Scotrail is carrying out a consultation regarding new timetables, with
proposals for an enhancement of the express train service from Gourock and Wemyss Bay to
Glasgow and encourages everyone to participate. Cllr Sinclair highlighted that there must be liaison
between CalMac and Scotrail to reduce waiting times.
Cllr Sinclair identified a meeting that took place between four local community councils regarding
Place Planning via Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park but did not expand because this was to
be discussed later in the meeting. He identified that he is supportive of the place plan system to
provide local decision making and could assist in potential community fund.


It was identified that the bin at the entrance/exit to Graham’s Point has been relocated to assist with
sightline issues.
BM highlighted that fallen branches of a tree remains at the bottom of Westfield and requested
M. Borland requested information of the extent of A&BC long-term mitigation measures especially
for old and existing culverts. She said that the patched infrastructure throughout the Cowal area is
not fit for purpose and culverts located below areas of deforestation are potentially increasing
additional flooding. There needs to be an emphasis on discussions with FLS to assist in mitigating
these situations. Cllr Sinclair will be bringing this forward the need for the continuous inspection,
clearance and debris management of the culvert’s grills at Monday’s meeting with FLS.
Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Representative
No update report submitted by the LL&TNP Representative.
Place Planning
DN identified attendance to a meeting with LL&TNP officers, Cllr Sinclair, along with representatives
from Strachur, and Ardentinny Community Councils on Place Planning. However, this should include
peripheral areas such as Sandbank who are in discussion with A&BC. Funding is available to bring
a place plan together, but it is time restricted to February/March 2024. Place Planning is driven by
the community and community organisations such as KCC and the Benmore and KiImun
Development Trust for future progression of the area. LL&TNP and Cllr Sinclair has suggested that
this is encompassing within the CC areas of Sandbank, Kilmun, Strachur and Ardentinny but
emphasis is on each local community to assist in driving future planning and community
development. DN suggested a separate meeting with the KCC members to discuss the implications
and to discuss if KCC has the capacity to deliver the requirements of Place Planning within the 4-
month timeframe. CB said that having looked at Place Planning within the National Park website, of
the need to deliver community safety with the ability to walk or cycle from community to community
and to discuss the path network to include forestry tracks linking communities. This could be seen
as important factor to improve quality of life.
Forestry and Land Scotland – Fraser MacDonald
No update report submitted, however DN highlighted that due to the recent extreme weather
conditions, at this time co-ordinating the clear up from environmental damage would be full on for
Fraser MacDonald.
M. Bird highlighted concern about water, debris and potential water pollution entering Loch Long
from the FLS Quarry and requested the contact details of FMacD, which was provided by DN at the
end of the meeting. DB identified that the area was not a quarry but a Borrow Pit as it is non-
commercial, the stone utilised only for forest roads and comes under entirely different legislation.
Strone Primary School and Strone Primary Parent Council
KB identified there was a new Parent Council Chair, Andrew Smith, Becky continues to be
Andrew and the Head Teacher Julie Smith are going to have monthly meetings and Andrew is
proposing that it would be good if the Parent Council submits a short update based on these to both
KCC and ACC.
This month update being:
- the Parent Council are delighted to have gained a co-opted member in Lynn Gilchrist, who has
recently moved permanently to the area. We didn't elect a secretary and this role will be rotated
among members of the group. 


- Following the success of our Inspiring Scotland grant last year we are keen to focus on continuing
to strengthen our relationships with other local organisations - holding joint events to support each
other and raise funds. 
- We are keen to make contact with anyone who would like to join us in this, and hope to provide a
monthly joint update from the school and Parent Council
Younger Hall
No update report submitted
Blairmore Hall
No update report submitted
Historic Kilmun
No update report submitted
Highly Protected Marine Areas
Consultation was on the Scottish Government website however GR identified that there was never
an intention of a blanket ban on fishing however there seems to be a missed opportunity to protect
certain areas of seabed as this has been driven by the fishing industry. GR will provide a copy of
correspondence which will be attached to this minute. BM emphasised his personal concern about
the condition of the seabed through drag net fishing and the future ability of recovery.
Clachaig Water
GR identified there is to be a village meeting on 24 th October with the Scottish Woodlands and the
landowner Jamie Moffat regarding a proposal of a development of a communal water system. He
emphasised that it would require an euonymus unanimous ? decision of acceptance by the
Clachaig residents for this to be taken forward.
SSE power lines Dunoon 132kV Overhead Line rebuild Project.
No update
13. Any Other Competent Business
DN put forward a motion to remove Any Other Competent Business, with two considerations, one, to
manage the time element of the meetings more effectively and two, for any new item(s) to be
brought forward prior to the meetings for listing onto the agenda so everyone is made aware of the
subject before the meeting takes place. This motion is mainly because of AOCB items has
dominated and extended the meetings. A discussion took place AR identifying concern that some
people may not have access to the internet and P.HD expressed concern regarding how the
community could raise recent pressing issue. In future all existing items on AOCB will be transferred
to Current Issues if required.
After the meeting the committee took a vote that AOCB would remain but would be given a time limit
to a strict 5 minutes. If the item could not be discussed/resolved within that time then it would be
transferred onto an agenda item in Current Issues for a following meeting. However, there is still an
emphasis for the community to lodge agenda items before each meeting.
Right of way
M. Borland identified concern about the water flooding through his property from the exposed
culvert. He has experienced flooding issues for 7 years, an issue that has been the brought forward
to the current Councillor and two previously sitting Councillors with no resolution. Equally there is no


infrastructure put in place to drain the additional water after deforestation, and identified that the
existing culvert is not fit for purpose as areas within its length are undermined. DN identified that the
main issue was who owns the land. CB made a suggestion of contacting the Benmore Younger
Trust as the land owner that the open section of the culvert is on (it is believed that FLS mange the
woodland on behalf of the Trust). CB will look out old paperwork that may assist. M. Borland
suggested the whole length of the culvert is requiring inspection/repair and not just the area adjacent
to the Old School. KB identified that Janet Holm has carried out a lot of work about the culvert and
the right of way, ownership etc, for several years now and any additional information from the
community should be directed to Janet. GR emphasised that it is the responsibility of the land owner
to deliver water safely downstream within culverts and clearing debris.
Defibrillators / Training
PHD identified that JH and himself inspected the location of the defibrillator to the side of the Strone
Inn but have still to confirm with the owners as it’s close to the cellar door.
SA provide information about Heart Start that provide first aid and defibrillator training for
communities and children free of charge. The organisation encourages people to become good
sound responders once trained which would assist if contacted by emergency services. SA identified
that the defib at Kilmun was not registered with the emergency services and suggested that is
actioned and willing to help assist. SA also highlighted that the defib at Riverside Surgery is also not
registered and therefore emergency services cannot direct the public to the nearest one. SA made
an appeal for any members of the community who wish to become involved in Heart Start and
additional training to contact him directly.
SA also enquired if the council had a list of vulnerable people that would require assistance in
emergencies i.e., such as the floods of the past weekend, whether this could be set up and willing to
assist. SA identified that he has been in touch with William Quinn (Police Scotland) and will be
training the new police cadets over the next couple of months. He expressed concern that the patrol
cars are not fitted with defibs.
Bus timetables
KB identified that the Transport Forum are not willing at the moment to enhancement or reinstate the
post pandemic bus timetable. KCC is trying to re-establish the early morning bus and the later
evening buses. It has been highlighted that this is detrimental to the community, limits opportunity,
limits the economy of the area and the prospect of employment. This item will continue to be raised
at the Transport Forum.
The Transport Forum Minutes will be attached to these minutes.
Meeting end 8.55 pm.
Next Meeting
Tuesday 14 th November 2023 @ Younger Hall, Kilmun @ 7.30pm
Meetings held Second Tuesday each month alternating between Younger & Blairmore Halls.
Kilmun Hall – January, March, May, July (Recess) September, November
Blairmore Hall – February, April, June, August, October, December

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